For the days she does not have the Grace Place LEAD program after school, it’s a 37-minute walk from Golden Gate High School to Jovania’s house in Golden Gate city. When Jovania participates in weekend LEAD (Leaders Empowered to Achieve Dreams) high school program activities at Grace Place or volunteers in the food pantry, it’s a 40-minute walk to our Grace Place campus. Jovania walks because her parents work and are not able to provide transportation. But through the generosity of a Grace Place supporter, we were able to make Jovania and two of her classmates’ lives much easier with the gift of brand-new bikes!
“Before having a bike, I had struggled with getting places since my parents work most of the time and do not have the time to take me to places I need to go. Now that I have a bike I can go to job interviews, Grace Place, and school all on my own. Also, I have more advantages like going to a friend or family member’s house, going to the store, as well as going on nice relaxing rides.” Jovania Dorcely, Sophomore in our LEAD program (pictured above with Ms. Karen).
Karen Rodino, our LEAD Program Manager, had fun going to each student’s house and surprising them with bikes, helmets, and bike locks. The recipients of the gifted bikes were well-deserved students who are known as regular participants in the LEAD program and spend many hours volunteering at Grace Place. These students put forth extra effort at the program, are well respected by their peers, and always have a positive attitude.
Many of our students here at Grace Place lack transportation, as told by Jovania herself, this limits them from all the opportunities we provide here at Grace Place. For this reason, we try to provide as much transportation as possible to our students, however, sometimes that is not enough. We are incredibly thankful for this donation and hope to see our students making good use of their brand-new mode of transportation!
Pictured on the top, Dieunica Dorilus, Junior in high school. Pictured on the bottom, Wood Biene-Aime, Senior in high school, with Karen Rodino, High School Program Manager.