Dodge for a Cause: Fun and Community Impact

At Grace Place for Children and Families, we’re still riding the wave of excitement from our first annual Dodge for a Cause. This adult dodgeball tournament, hosted by the Grace Place Board of Ambassadors brought our community together in ways that were both thrilling and deeply heartwarming. It was the perfect mix of lively competition and genuine connection, all in support of a cause that means so much to us.

On August 9th, our campus was alive with energy as 16 teams hit the court, ready to dodge, dip, and dive to victory. From the very first whistle, the atmosphere was electric. Teams not only came to compete but also to showcase their creativity, dressing up in vibrant costumes that added a festive flair to the day. The Suffolk Dodgers claimed the championship title, while the Schwab-Bees dazzled everyone with their standout uniforms, taking home the award for best-dressed.

But Dodge for a Cause was about more than just the games. Each dodge, every cheer, and all the laughter throughout the day helped us raise $4,000 for Grace Place’s mission. These funds will go directly toward providing educational opportunities for children and families in the Golden Gate community, helping them build brighter, more secure futures.

The event was more than just a fundraiser—it was a chance for our community to connect on a deeper level. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the impactful work we’re doing at Grace Place, gaining insight into the full scope of our educational programs, from infants to adults. The meaningful conversations that took place throughout the day highlighted just how much our mission resonates with everyone involved.

Between matches, participants enjoyed additional contests, delicious food from the Sweet Cheesus truck, and the chance to cheer on fellow teams. The day was filled with playful competition and a shared sense of purpose, creating an environment where everyone felt part of something bigger.

We’re already looking forward to next year’s Dodge for a Cause. Until then, we’ll carry the spirit of this event with us, energized by the knowledge that our community is ready to step up, make a difference, and support one another.

If you are interested in sponsoring next year’s Dodge for a Cause, please reach out to Colleen Durham at