Middle School Choice Academy Showcase

The Middle School Choice Academy Showcase was a remarkable display of student learning and achievement this summer. This event provided a valuable platform for students from various academies—Art, BMX, Fashion/Jewelry, Night Vision Leadership, Chess, and Dance—to showcase the skills and knowledge they developed over the past six weeks. Our Choice Academies emphasize the importance of early career exploration. By introducing middle school students to various fields and hands-on experiences, we help them discover their passions and potential career paths. This early exposure is a crucial step in guiding their future educational and professional choices.

The Healthcare Choice Academy emerged as the showcase winner, capturing the judges’ attention with impressive demonstrations of technical skills and practical knowledge. Throughout the academy, students practiced suturing on fruit and gained proficiency with stethoscopes and blood pressure equipment, offering a comprehensive look at their hands-on training.

While the Healthcare Choice Academy took home the top honor, all the academies made a strong impression. Each group showcased unique strengths and creativity, whether through vibrant art pieces, BMX bike building, fashionable designs, strategic chess matches, or energetic dance routines. The students’ hard work and enthusiasm were evident, contributing to a well-rounded and engaging showcase.

We’re incredibly proud of all the participants and excited to see the bright futures they are building through their dedication and effort. The talent and determination displayed by these students are a testament to the impact of providing opportunities for early career exploration and personal growth.

If you are interested in teaching a Choice Academy, please reach out to Sheila Oxx, at sheila.oxx@graceplacenaples.org.