Volunteer Opportunities
Click on the program below to view volunteer opportunities.

Melisa Mast
Volunteer Coordinator
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
– Margaret Mead

“We’re big advocates for intervening in a child’s life. You never know when you are going to make that impact that changes everything. These parents love their children, but they’re often working two jobs trying to make ends meet. You can see how much they want a different life for their children and they are so grateful to us when we see them on campus. That’s why we’re here. We want to help set these children up for life and giving them an education is the best way we know to do that. It’s our great hope.”

“It’s rewarding seeing the people we are helping. The community we are serving is a wonderful community, they are very family oriented and they care so much for their children. They remind me of the wave of immigration that we had in the 1900s, seeking a better life for their family. It’s going to change our society for the better. These are good, hardworking people with good values. They want to learn, they want to make a better life, and they just need help. I especially enjoy seeing the kids from the educational programs volunteer in the food pantry. It’s neat to see that they want to give back.”