Matching Gifts

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You can maximize your charitable contribution to Notre Dame through matching gifts, a special benefit many companies offer their employees.

Through matching gift programs, many companies allow employees the opportunity to multiply the impact of their personal contributions. If your company sponsors a matching gift program, you can easily increase the impact your gift will have on students, faculty, and programs at Our Lady’s University. Most participating companies will match employee gifts dollar for dollar. Some will even double—or triple—match a gift.

Matching gift procedure

  1. Obtain a matching gift form (or web address) from your HR department.
  2. Complete matching form and mail to Notre Dame with your donation. If matching registration is online, email the matching confirmation number to
  3. Your company will send the matching gift after Notre Dame verifies your request.

Notre Dame’s Tax ID number is 35-0868188

Please mail completed matching forms to:

ATTN: Matching Gifts
University of Notre Dame
1100 Grace Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5612
Fax: 574-631-9665

Contact with questions.