When Ricardo started the Bright Beginnings program at Grace Place he barely spoke a word of English, not that you would know, because he barely spoke at all.
“Ricardo was one of the shyest little boys I’ve ever met. He would cry every time we ventured out of the classroom unless he was holding the teacher’s hand. Now he is one of the most outgoing students in the class,” commented Claudia MacDonald, Early Childhood Education Manager at Grace Place. “He engages with the teacher and other students in class and is confidently interacting with new people.” Not only has he made great progress socially and emotionally, but he is succeeding academically.
Grace Place tracks each student’s progress using an industry leading assessment tool, Teaching Strategies GOLD®. Ricardo has shown steady gains all year and is on track to be kindergarten ready. “I can say without a doubt, if Ricardo did not come to Grace Place this year, he would not have been ready for kindergarten,” remarks Mrs. MacDonald.