Week of May 18 – 22: Bright Beginnings Activities
Early Childhood Education Activities
Week of May 18 – 22: If i were a bunny/ Si yo fuera un conejito (Age/Anos 0-2) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 18 – 22: LEGO Rescue/ Lego Rescate (Ages/Anos 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 18 – 22: Surprise Rainbow (Ages 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 18 – 22: Lava Lamps (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 18 – 22: Will it melt? / ¿Se derretirá? (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 18 – 22: Baseball Spelling Ortografía de béisbol (Age 4-5) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 18 – 22: Reading Readiness for Kindergarten (Age 5) Activity English/Spanish
Parent Activity
Week of May 18 – 22: Living with a Growth Mindset Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 18 – 22: Creating a Safe Space Activity English/Spanish
Adult Education Activity
Week of May 18 – 22: End of Year Reflection / Reflexión de Final de Año
Week of May 18 – 22: Newsela Article: This Florida meeting teaches kids how to set up their own company/ Esta reunión en Florida enseña a los niños como crear su propia empresa
Click the tabs below to visit lessons from past weeks.
WATCH THIS VIDEO FIRST: Welcome to Footsteps2Brilliance: How to Video
Early Childhood Education Activities
Week of May 11 – 15: Mother’s Day Craft (Ages 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 11 – 15: Mother’s Day Roses (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 11 – 15: Mother’s Day Tree (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Parent Activity
Week of May 11 – 15: Rest, Relaxation, and Self-Care Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 11 – 15: Five Senses Exercise Activity English/Spanish
Adult Education Activity
Week of May 11 – 15: Error Correction / Corrigiendo Errores
PACT (Parent and Child Together) Time
Early Childhood Education Activities
Week of May 4 – 8: Dinosaur Bones / Huesos de dinosaurio (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 4 – 8: Pasta T Rex (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 4 – 8: Tulip Words/Palabras en tulipanes (Age 4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 4 – 8: Compound Words (Age 4-5) Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 4 – 8: Dinosaurs Roar Read Aloud (All Ages) Activity English/Spanish
Parent Activity
Week of May 4 – 8: Reflection “The Value of Patience” Activity English/Spanish
Week of May 4 – 8: Reflection “Mindful Meditation” Activity English/Spanish
Adult Education Activity
Week of May 4 – 8: Learning English / Aprendiendo inglés Activity
PACT (Parent and Child Together) Time
Early Childhood Education Activities
Week of April 27 – May 1: Dinosaur Tracks (Ages 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 27 – May 1: Kleenex Rex (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 27 – May 1: Flower Counting/Contando flores (Age 4) Activity English/Spanish
Parent Activity
Week of April 27 – May 1: Reflection “You can create change in your life.” Activity English/Spanish
Adult Education Activity
Week of April 27 – May 1: Going to the Park / Yendo al Parque Activity
PACT (Parent and Child Together) Time
Early Childhood Education Activities
Week of April 20-24: Sort and Stack/ Ordenar y Apilar (Age 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 20-24: Egg Carton Flower / Flor de cartón de huevos(Ages 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 20-24: Flower Garden Name/nombre del jardín de flores (Age 3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 20-24: Earth Day Every Day Read Aloud (All Ages) Activity English/Spanish
Parent Activity
Week of April 20-24: Reflection “Being Grateful” Activity English/Spanish
Adult Education Activity
Week of April 20-24: Sharing a Computer / Compartiendo un Computador Activity
Week of April 20-24: Interview: Likes and Dislikes / Entrevista: Lo que gusta y no gusta Activity
PACT (Parent and Child Together) Time
Early Childhood Education Activities
Week of April 13-17: Singing to Infants Cantandole a los bebes (Ages 0-1) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 13-17: Letter Egg Hunt/colectando huevos(Ages 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 13-17: Letter, Number or Shape Matching Egg Hunt (Ages 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 13-17: Butterfly Hunt/Atrapando Mariposas (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 13-17: Create a Flower/Crear una flor (Ages 3-4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 13-17: Syllable Hopscotch/Rayuela con Silabas (Age 4) Activity English/Spanish
Week of April 13-17: I Am a Bunny Read Aloud (All Ages) Activity English/Spanish
Parent Activity
Adult Education Activity
Week of April 13-17: Newsela Article: Volunteers sew face masks for health workers facing shortages
Week of April 13-17: Voices of America Video: This is My Neighborhood
PACT (Parent and Child Together) Time
Early Childhood Education Activities
Week of April 6 – 10: Tube Talk / Hablando por un tubo (Ages 1-2) Activity English/Spanish
Parent Activity
Adult Education Activity
Week of April 6 – 10: Voices of America News Word Video: Upcycle
Week of April 6 – 10: Journal Submission
PACT (Parent and Child Together) Time
Week of April 6 – 10: Healthy Snacks!/¡Refrigerios Saludables! Activity English/Spanish
Early Childhood Education Activities
Week of March 30 – April 3: Stacking Cups / Apilando Vasos (Ages 0-1) Activity English/Spanish
Week of March 30 – April 3: Sink or Float / Hundirse o Flotar (Ages 2-3) Activity English/Spanish
Week of March 30 – April 3: Read Aloud: ELLM Activity English/Spanish
Parent Activity
Adult Education Activity
Week of March 30 – April 3: Interview with your Children/Entrevista con sus Hijos
Week of March 30 – April 3: Picture Dictionary Story/Historia del Diccionario de fotografías
PACT (Parent and Child Together) Time
Week of March 30 – April 3: Shapes Yoga Yoga de Figuras Geométricas Activity English/Spanish
Early Childhood Education
Week of March 23 -27: Music Time/Hora de Musica (Ages 0-5) Activity English/Spanish
Week of March 23 -27: Letter Craft/Manualidad con Letras (Ages 2-5) Activity English/Spanish
Week of March 23 -27: Alphabet Hunt/ Búsqueda del alfabeto (Ages 3-6) Activity English/Spanish
Parent Education
Adult Education
Week of March 23 – 27, 2020: Voices of America News Word Video: Coronavirus Activity
Week of March 23 – 27, 2020: Activities to Practice English in Your Pajamas
Additional Grace Place Home-Learning Sites
Bright Beginnings: Family Literacy
Week of May 18 - 22: Bright Beginnings Activities Early Childhood Education Activities Week of May 18 - 22: If i were a bunny/ Si yo fuera un conejito (Age/Anos 0-2) Activity [...]
Academy of Leaders: Elementary
Week of May 18 - 22: Activities for Elementary Students Week of May 18 - 22: Cosmic Kids Brain Break (Grade K-5) Activity Week of May 18 - 22: Practice your typing [...]
Academy of Leaders: Middle School
Week of May 18 - 22: Activities for Middle School Students Week of May 18 - 22: 4 Mindfulness Activities; Virtual Passing Time (Grades 6-8) Week of May 18 - 22: Is [...]
Academy of Leaders: High School LEAD
June 15 - July 16: Art Enrichment Activities for High School Students Color Wheel Video Zentangles Video Arturo’s Art Studio Tour Art and Mindfulness- Continual Line Drawing [...]
Adult Education
Week of May 18 - 22: Adult Education Activities Week of May 18 - 22: End of Year Reflection / Reflexión de Final de Año Week of May 18 - 22: Newsela [...]